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walking boots中文是什么意思

用"walking boots"造句"walking boots"怎么读"walking boots" in a sentence


  • 步行靴
  • 行军靴


  • Things can tend to get a bit slippery , too , so if you didn ' t bring any walking boots i ' d advise you to hire some from the office
  • He had strung himself up to the purpose while kneeling behind his brothers on the carpet , studying the little nails in the heels of their walking boots
  • This is why so many travellers are drawn back to nepal , armed the second time round with a greater appreciation of its natural and cultural complexity , a stout pair of walking boots and a desire for sculpted calf muscles
  • Trainers , specialist walking shoes or light walking boots are all ideal - as long as the uppers are made from material that will allow your feet to breathe , such as nylon mesh or leather , and they have good shock - absorbing soles
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